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Privacy Policy



This Privacy Policy explains how we use any personal information we collect about you when you use this website. The website is owned and operated by Flexiteek Limited. Flexiteek Limited is a company registered in the United Kingdom with the company number 11048033 at the address Port Hamble, Hamble, Southampton, England, SO31 4NN.

The terms “we”, “our” and “us” when used in this Privacy Policy means Flexiteek Limited. The terms “you” and “your” means you as the user of this website.

The term “Flexiteek Distributors” and “Flexiteek Agents” refers to the full list of other companies that fabricate/fit/supply/extrude Flexiteek Decking. The terms “Flexiteek Group” refers to all Flexiteek Companies, Flexiteek Distributors and Flexiteek Agents.

You can find a full list of UK Flexiteek Agents here:  

You can find a full list of International Flexiteek Distributors here:

This privacy policy has been written to meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act of 1998 it also meets the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulations 2018.

Who we are

Flexiteek Limited fabricates and fits Flexiteek decking in the United Kingdom. We will require data some personal data from you to do work for you. We are the main data controller when buying a deck from us.

What information do we collect about you?

We will collect information about you when you fill out and send a quote or contact enquiry, this will be sent to our corporate emails. Website usage information is also collected using cookies and stored in a database, however this data is made anonymous.

Using this website suggests that you’re happy for us to store your personal data and use it internally within in the company as stated by this policy.

Personal data is classed as name, email, phone number, address, boat location, boat name, boat make/model, credit card details, bank account details and IP address.

How will we use the information about you?

We will use your data only if we need to, we will never use your data for gains that do not relate to the product or service you are receiving. Some ways in which we use your data can be found below:

  • To contact you regarding an enquiry
  • To build a company to customer relationship with you
  • To keep you updated on jobs
  • To provide you with further information about our products
  • To find the most local product agent to you
  • To audit usage of our website

How will we share the information you give us?

If you agree Flexiteek Limited may share your personal information with other Flexiteek Distributors and Agents. This is so we can find the best company to serve your enquiry, such as companies more local to your boat.

Flexiteek Limited will not share your information for marketing purposes with companies outside of the Flexiteek Group of companies.

We may provide some of your personal data if we are required to do so by law, regulation, by order of the court or any other legitimate government body request. This includes, but not excluding any related, HM Revenues and Customs, UK courts and the UK government.

Access to your information and correction

You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all the data that we hold about you, please email us or write to us at our address below.

We want to also make sure that your information is constantly up to date. You hold the right to ask us to update or remove information about yourself that is incorrect.

Privacy Breach

While we keep our security up to date and tested on a regular basis there is always a slim chance of a security breach. In such a circumstance every customer of whom we hold data of shall be contacted with in 24 hours of us noticing the breach.

We will alert you of the data that has been taken and if we are sure that you have been affected let you know directly what was taken.


We keep your data on secure servers within the UK to ensure your data is protected. We also ensure that has a secure connection with you to prevent the chance of someone intercepting your data.


Occasionally, individuals may try and deceive you into thinking that staff from Flexiteek Limited are emailing you, this can be requests for data or payment. It is important that you check that the email is from

If you ever feel like an email could be fraudulent it is better to email asking if anyone from the company has attempted to contact you, before replying. In any case we recommend you have a secure spam filter to prevent fraudulent emails getting to your inbox.

Changes of Business Ownership and Control

There may be circumstances in which we would like to shrink/expand/merge or sell our business. This would include moving the control of your data to new divisions of whom require it. This may also include all data being moved to another company or owner. In the case this happens we will contact you and notify you that your data is being transferred.


We may want to contact you regarding Flexiteek and/or other products offered by our company, we will ask you when you provide your personal details if you will allow us to do this. If you would like us to stop sending you marketing emails you can request here:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics (GA) is one of the most popular website tracking services offered. It is used by many websites that you perhaps visit daily. This website uses Google Analytics to monitor usage, this is so we can better understand how users navigate and the information they try to find.

Google Analytics will do a few things when you come onto the website, the first is they will store a cookie in your browser so when you next visit we are aware it is still you. They will also store your IP address to assist with identifying you and finding out where you are viewing. Google claim that all data that is sent to them is anonymised, we know from experience that we cannot see any of your data.

What we can see is how many people have visited the website, where they went, how long they spent on it, a rough estimation of their location and some brief demographics. Absolutely nothing to do with you as an individual and Google claim to not be able to see anything either.

You can stop Google Analytics from tracking you by going to the following website:

You can also learn more about Google Analytics Privacy here:


Cookies are small amounts of data that are stored on your computer to collect log information and visitor behaviour. We will also use cookies to enhance the experience on the website, so you do not have to keep changing settings every time you visit.

You can find out more about cookies and what they do here:

You can set your browser to prevent cookies from being added to your computer. The above websites provide information about how to remove and prevent cookies. In some cases, website functions may not work as intended if cookies are disabled.

Third Party Cookies

In some special cases we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. The following section details which third party cookies you might encounter through this site.

As you can see above we use Google Analytics which will add cookies to your computer as well. We encourage you to read about how Google Analytics uses your data above.

We also use social media buttons and/or plugins on this site that allow you to connect with your social network in various ways. For these to work the following social media sites including; Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, will set cookies through our site which may be used to enhance your profile on their site or contribute to the data they hold for various purposes outlined in their respective privacy policies.

External Websites

This privacy policy explains how we use your data on this website only. There are links to other websites and we encourage you to their privacy policies as well.

Changes to our privacy policy

Our privacy policy is reviewed regularly and updated when required. We will place any updates on this website and if a cookie is present alert you if you have not seen the updates. This privacy policy was last updated 24th of May 2018.

How to contact us

If you would like to find out what information we hold about you or have any questions regarding our privacy policy, you can get hold of us with the following information:

  • By email:
  • By phone: 02380 405550
  • Write to us: Flexiteek UK, Thornham Marine, Thornham Lane, Emsworth, PO10 8DD


We hope that we will be able to resolve any questions or concerns you have. However, you may at any time raise your concern with the UK Information Commissioner at:

Post: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF